Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

Inspired by Tasha to share my own guilty pleasures, here they are (in no particular order):

  • Licorice. Since Chris and I are doing a 21 day sugar cleanse right now, that tops my list. I miss licorice....18 more days and counting.

  • Books. Not just reading, but I'm a total book hoarder. I love to have them. To own them. To browse the book store for hours. I have so many books I may never read each and every one of them. And new, great books come out all the time!

  • Pinterest. Such a time suck but I love it!

  • Going to bed early. Seriously, when  my kids are tucked in, my jammies go on and I climb into bed to read, watch tv or play on my tablet.

  • Coffee.

  • A hot bubble bath

What are your guilty pleasures?


    Jay said...

    Pepsi, 5 cent candies, Pinterest, long hot bubble baths & snuggles

    Joy said...

    Chocolate. Coke slurpees. Tabloid magazines. Books. Chocolate. (oh did I say that already!) :))