What does Mommy look like? princesses
What does Mommy always say to you? Blast off!
What does Daddy do? Driving
Where does Daddy work? at Calgary "prolly" (translation: probably)
What does Daddy look like? Ummm....Saturday
What color are Mommy's eyes? (after inspecting them) Broken
Who is your favorite person? Daddy's my favorite!
How old is Mommy? BIG!
How old is Daddy? 7
How old is Papa? He has a chocolate maker
Where is Gramma and Grampa's house? Pa-lo-ka (translation: Ponoka)
What does Papa look like? Blue
What do you like to eat? Red food
What does Mommy like to eat? Salad
What does Daddy like to eat? Pasta
What does Levi like to eat? salad
Who is your best friend? Papa is my best friend. He is.
Do you have a girlfriend? Uh huh, she's at playgroup
What does Loki do when we go to playgroup? goes outside
What does she do outside? Bangs heavy things. (This is sort of true- she "throws" her bone on the deck and it is very loud)
What does Mommy do for you? She puts away stuff and opens things. Uh huh.
Oh my, this is SO cute! I can't wait for stuff like this.
Thanks for the nap suggestions, it's what I've been thinking but by 10:30 he's so ready for a nap that it's hard to say no to him. Wish me luck :))
LOL....I love what you do for him!
The best posts are the ones that tell us what the kids are saying (thinking at the moment)
Thanks for sharing
Who is your best friend? Papa is my best friend. He is
This is a fantastic line. He'd be so touched.
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