I go again......
Busy does not even begin to describe Luca these days. He has been crawling for 9 days now and is becoming quite mobile. The linoleum took a day to figure out, but he has that mastered, now, too. I now have 3 shadows- my own, Luca (who is pleased that he can find me when I leave the room) and Hope, (who has always been right at my heels wherever I go).
Luca has discovered a new favorite activity- pulling magnets off the fridge. I think that it must be his favorite thing to do because he will be playing in the living room, and suddenly will drop whatever he is playing with and head into the kitchen, straight to the fridge. After he pulls the magnets off, he "flicks" them across the floor and chases them and does it again. This provides lots of entertainment for the both of us!
It really makes me wonder what he thought before he could crawl. Now you can see that he sees something and just goes for it. When he wasn't mobile, did he not care, or did he just not realize that he could actually maneuver himself over to it? Did he always want to play in the kitchen and just had no way of getting the message across? Or is it simply that it is a new and exciting thing that he has discovered? Interesting...
On Sunday I was very excited that my friend Tasha stopped by. Tasha and I went to Augustana and U of A together (we are both teachers- neither of us are teaching right now...Oh, the teaching profession!). I hadn't seen her since just before Luca was born so it was a real treat! I had been really looking forward to visiting with her.
Luca was standing without support here with Tasha looking at a book that she brought him. Ok, so not TOTALLY without support becasue he is leaning on the ottoman, but he did quite well, and stayed there for about 5 minutes. On Monday, he actually pulled himself to standing while playing with one of his ride-on toys! Dare I say that the crawling stage may not last too long?!?
Luca just loves to be mobile, and is into everything, as you can see from these pictures...
He really likes to find the doorstop and play with it. Unfortunately for him, Mommy can only listen to the wonderful sound that it makes for so long before he is being led to another (less annoying) toy. :) Here are Luca's 8 month pictures. It is getting increasingly difficult to get a decent picture of him, as he just won't sit still long enough. But here are the best ones....
I am so glad that I decided to do these monthly photos. It is so fun to look back on how much he has changed! (In case you are interested, I think that the second post in August 2006 in the archives is his 2 month pictures, and I have been posting them every month since, if you want to have a look and compare for yourself.)
Here is a funny picture that I took this morning. Once in a while, Luca gets his legs going too fast for his arms and does a face plant. I was trying to get a picture of him crawling, and he did a face plant just as I was taking the picture, kicking his legs up in the air. The angle that the picture is taken at makes it look a bit more severe than it actually is... (He didn't hurt himself, in case you are wondering!) So, here is our little "super baby"!